"Deadpool & Wolverine should have won best picture" - RedditMan, 2025
Rockstar Games to Acquire Video Games Deluxe
The Oscars won't exist in 20 years
Was found not guilty; can I sue my accuser?
Villains who embody what the hero could have been at their absolute worst
Events that shifted the story Theme and Genre by turning it darker and serious
"I'm not going to call this a "sit-down" because of the negative implications, let's think of it as "a meeting of minds."
Y'know, Quasimodo predicted all this
Turns out I owe the CRA $1000. Never owed before, what happens?
Hello "Reddit"! Now that the "beef" is a thing of the "past", who is your "Big 3"?
What’s a piece of continuity that you hope gets brought up in the revival?
What is this video? And why is the channel that posted it so weird? It doesn't seem to be a bot or anything like that.
What is this..
Venom Snake head cardboard cutout - worth anything?
Anon is nostalgic
[COD] Call of duty on 360/PS3 is on its last legs. If you were ever looking to play these games again, now is the time.
I work at my parents restaurant and I think I'm getting fired
incase you were ever wanting to order a bodykit online: specifically from bodykit.com
Took ADHD medication for the first time, and it has changed everything.
My sound proof sleeping box
Me after watching a movie but I didn't understand it because I was doomscrolling on my phone the entire time
How could a Modern Saints Row Game Portray Gang culture in 2025?
What’s your favorite Toshi Quote
What a time to be alive
How good is this list?