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Mexico stops fro Central America trip
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/r/solotravel "The Weekly Common Room" - General chatter, meet-up, accommodation - February 03, 2025
Rainy season in Central America
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If you were betting your house on it….who are the three likely pyramid headliners?
THE FINAL PLAYLIST! Below is the running order of the 'r/Radiohead Makes A Playlist' Playlist! 42 songs chosen by you! Thank you to everyone who contributed this was so fun to do and I hope you all enjoy it! From day 20, Street Spirit and Us and Them by Pink Floyd won out!
Day 20/20 THE FINAL DAY! That's come around quicker than I thought, bit it seems to be a good Place To Be as the subreddit's [Motion Picture] Soundtrack is almost complete!
Day 19/20 The penultimate day has arrived, and seemingly Everything [is] In It's Right Place. But I don't think You Will Work In Television Again, as the Kid A opener and Thom and Jonny's most recent side projects take the win.
Day 18/20 and we are Sailing to the Moon for the first time, and how soon, you may ask... Now. As our second Smiths song wins out!
Day 16/20 is looking very moon-shaped, and heart-shaped, if you will, as Daydreaming and Where Did You Sleep Last Night take day 15!
Day 15/20, Day 14's winners are All I Need by the boys and Bloodhail by Have A Nice Life. With 5 days to go, there are some absolute bangers to round out the playlist
Day 14/20 Kendrick Lamar gets hos addition into the playlist after Wesley's Theory won day 13, as did Myxomatosis on the boys' part. Get comme ting your songs! The playlist is nearly complete!
Day 11/20 Day 10 ended very differently to how I'd expected. We had 4 winners, only because I couldn't decide what to pick to narrow it down, so I added them all lol. Pyramid Song, and one of its b-sides TASOO*, LYSCO^ by Jeff Buckley and The Moment by Tame Impala all won day 10
[Presti] Al Michaels got caught between “By the hair of their chinny chin chin” and “By the skin of their teeth” and ended up saying the Rams won “By the hair of their skinny teeth teeth.” 😂
[OC] Raducanu's Odds were actually surprisingly good. Better than Bartoli's when she won Wimbledon in 2013 as 15th seed!