Could Makima still control someone even if that someone was a puppet for another being? (trying to learn how her powers work for my favorite MU)
tell me some characters you want to see fight just to see them get their asses kicked. here are mine
*Uzi starts singing UNDEFEATABLE (from Sonic Frontiers) at the top of her... robotic lungs?*, Anyway have a SUPER UZI, or should we call her DUAL UZI?
Cara... eu não... ah esquece, dia da letra U
Mechagodzilla cosplay
How would the MK combatants/characters react to Machamp killing goro?
Depois de mais de uma década, não era óbvio que iriam mudar o traço um pouco? Nova era, nova audência alvo.
I have no words
My guinea pigs love(are addicted)to apples, its normal
tell me some characters you want to see in some none Sense matchups because you just want to see them get their asses kicked/or have no chance of win. here are mine
And Uzi has been chosend as sniper! So whos the spy?
I’m a bit out of the loop. Why is Kratos Vs Asura so divisive?
Are The robot masters stronger than The mavericks?
My ⚽️🏀 sack family🤣❤️
Hot Take: The game in the series That has the Best Story for a sequel
Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
Quando seus fetiches se encontram
Hoje é dia da letra C, qual melhor personagem da letra C?(fiz até o pódio da letra B)
Cite uma/um personagem negra ou parda que você goste(De qualquer mídia)
My personal tier list for each death battle episode.(please don't hate me)
Wish Icould know what goes through their heads sometimes
Who is the weakest character that can survive this?
Eis q seu profesor é otaku
Give me literally any character (it can even be an irl animal like an ant) and I’ll tell you how they beat Homelander.
I’ve never played a game and I’m about to start. Which one of the 3 should I play first?