Wich next anime archetype do you want to see very good support strong as Yubel or Blue eyes ?
Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is in a VERY good place right now.
When you're known as Irish Hercules but Konami gave you no respects:
How about no?
Archetype Anime: Dark Magician
Who was your favourite rival in all of the anime?
Explain your favorite yugioh series in the stupidest way possible (for gx its normal)
Does the material for staves actually matter for damage?
What's your go to?
My Lakeview Manor
Have you ever made a decision that felt dirty so you reloaded?
I need wisdom for this perfectly balanced game with no bugs.
Elden ring veteran looking for a new game
Enemies run away
NPC Dialogue
Who do I invest in?
Im not who you think i am...
What actually is magicka?
In what situation have you actually used the "Summon Karstaag" power after defeating him?
If all of your characters you have ever made had a free for all battle, who would come out on top?
Leveled Items
Where can I practice combat skills including archery? I'm getting killed all the time.
As large as the map is, it feels small - minor gripe
Whats everyone's go to city