Where's the body?
Which Team Wins?
This lesson was really short
I don't understand
what do you call this in your language?
Why kneeling before woman feels so good?
God-forbid she signs in pegging
Heaven forbid a boy has a type... And that type appears and like puts him in a headlock and stuff like that...
Whats wrong with this type of girls?
Doesn't verbs in first person end with -e?
Amazon przypomina, że w Kindle Store nie kupujemy książki, a jedynie licencję i zapowiada koniec pobierania plików. Oto podstawowy problem z DRM
Where's that monster?
Rozwój AI a literatura - co przyniesie jutro?
Heaven forbid a boy enjoys amateur wrestling
I knew I'm sub, but this...
God forbid a boy takes a quiz
Co czytacie ?
Can someone explain
Jakie książki przeczytaliście w ostatnich 3 tygodniach? 📚
Kim był Henryk Waleczny?
Kolegowie, co sądzicie o wiadrze?
Did April Twenty-eighth Brigade, mentioned in Three Body Probelm actually existed?
Whats his/her (idk) name?
Are these fools for real