How do people play this shit game? this kill alone was Annoying AF!!
I'm So Fucking suicdal from My Shit fucking dad that i can't even make reddit posts anymore
My Father is going to shoot me in a few months
Psa for my requesters: i'm Still REALLY Sick rn and i still feel very dead but i'm still trying to get my self back up i'm sorry for the long wait
Why are these cringy ass weeaboo emojis here?
[FO4] best non skimpy modular clothing mod? (separate pants and shirts)
Am i the only one Who Hates this more than the Ads?!
best modular clothing mod? (separate pants and shirts)
[FO4] Looking for [Tulius] 10duckhairpackFO4.esp
[Fallout 4) Does anyone have the EFT Glock and M45a1 or a Scoped M60?
[Fo4] Where is the M60 with Scopes mod?
Why can't we have a 7.62 AKM in bo6 like in WZ?
[CoD] the OG AK from cod 4 in WZ
knocked out a quad barrel user with my FISTS✊
[CoD] i Punched a juggernaut to death..🤜☠
i Punched a Jug to death
[CoD] Which one do you like more The AK-103 or the AKM?
Which Ak do you pefer?
[Fo4] Anyone got EFT gun mods or m60 with attachments?
Try to Convice me Call of duty isn't made for cheaters (No off topic comments)
Quick squad wipe. Ran into unexpected campers
[Fo4] What gun mod is this?
What gun mod is this?
[Fo4] Anyone got the Handgun mod from arca live that uses Cold war 1911 animations?
Anyone got the Handgun mod from arca live that uses Cold war 1911 animations?