First post
What mcr song would I be?
The Ghost of Shit
Fake Plastic Shit
Got “Water” Reccs? 🌊
egg 🏳️🌈 irl
Fucked or ok?
what game is this
Day 30 of posting my lyrics
От какой картинки у вас это реакция?
Кто это? (только неправильные ответы)
Basically ich gerade
Rank my 6 favorite MCR songs from your favourite to least favourite
А у вас что на завтрак?
Ich hoffe ihr hattet einen guten Tag
Ich hoffe irgendwann wird es so sein
Hattet ihr das schon?
Songs about things that would be physically impossible to be or do
Songs that reference themselves (i.e. "this song") in the lyrics
(NO CHEATING!) What are the last 5 things you have googled?
Reasons I was arrested
Where y’all land on the scale? (NSFW for suicidal stuff)
yall cooked or nah
Please Someone Hug Me Please