Saw a Bird in some sort of distress this morning, went over to reach out and it hopped on my hand. No obvious signs it was hurt, just stood on my finger, I didn't move or speak.. and it just flew away a few moments later. ?!?
And I gazed in return
Influencers leaving the White House with Jeffrey Epstein files
Is this a mushroom growing under water in salt?? Sorry its not a great picture. [Uyuni salt flats, Bolivia]
Bath time
Fresh snow on a deep night
This art is what's making me teary, thanks for asking
This "Ground Beef" from the grocery store
Fuck it up, Diane. (someone throws out an expired box of pasta in the video)
Tree catching incident
Say it aint so
Are furry steering wheels outdated?.. because I don’t care - I got an ISO of mine and I’m going to enjoy it! 😁
Best "first words" will get a gold star
Did anyone else experience this?
Urban winter wonderland
Walking home at night
Shiny pot
So now you know
Cow lips? 😗
A mother and her 10 daughters, Boston, 1952
Staircase, apartment building, Rome, 1977. Designed by Gaetano Rebecchini and Julio Lafuente
Long live the Playstation and it's incredible viewing experience
So you're telling me there's a chance
This feels like a personal attack lol
After all we've been though!
Good thing I was real gentle with it earlier 👀