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Is it really that hard to clean up after yourself? Some people just leave their mess behind at McDonald’s like it’s someone else’s problem.”
Are rebel songs offensive?
Moving to EU from UK is it still possible?
How different are expensive whistles really?
I've been offered a position in a company with 35% higher salary, I've been at my current workplace for only 5 months. How do I quit gracefully?
Democracy Index 2024. Ireland continues to remain a full democracy.
Tesla Sales fall 45% in Europe amid Musk’s political meddling
Anyone have experience with leaving a high paying role to study then find a similar role again?
Het slechtste cadeau mogelijk
She had a point
Is a level 7 worth anything?
Actually laughed out loud at this email
What in Ireland remains great value despite the high increases in cost of living?
Why are Salesforce technical articles disappearing?
Can I get a job as a Node.js backend developer?
Software engineering job openings hit five-year low
What made you realize you're not young anymore?
Waar in Nederland kan je de beste kapsalon eten volgens jou?
Junior software developer
I'm DJing an 8th grade dance
What accent is the most attractive to you?
Didn't think this was still an issue.
Zou jij het geld aannemen?
Three years on, car-free Capel Street: “We need to be able to make these bold moves”