"It was totally different back in the day"
Lost piece
I don't know about you guys. 2004 Tryout is like smelling fresh air after only inhaling pollution all this time.
I'm making a stand.
Can this card be unbanned?
Good for you
I am impressed that you can play stun and burn in goat format....but why?
Only way to stop their combo tbh
Why is this card banned?
Tried making D/D Kepler out of lego
What are your Biggest Letdowns for Archetypes or Decks in General?
Overlap with FGC?
Nice deck, but you forgot the win condition (Fusion x Synchro Festival)
Zombie has always been one of the coolest types in the game imo. They have such powerful aura! But out of all Zombie archetypes, which one is your personal favorite? And why?
How at least half of duels would go if Master Duel had game chat
Dear yugioh fans which duel made you feel like it?
Which fight made you feel like it?
what do they need?: Vampire
The pillars of YGO card art.
big box size.
New restricted schools reaction and discussion!
One of the first Tier Lists in the game
Manga in Bosnia and Herzegovina
its happened to all of us
Too many to choose from tbh
What song got you like this