Eternal War matchmaking sucks HARD
I’m sorry but no just no
Regarding Twitch drops (Porphyr Shield Powerfist).
Retributor Had To Lock in
So what was the point of Twitch?
What is a weapon that you ignored for a long time and then found out that it rules?
This subreddit needs a special flair for codes and promos
Imma keep it real, I don’t want a Titanfall crossover
It is done. All research centre datas are completed. It's safe to say that I won't be touching pvp for a looong while.
Vibing in our vacation home
Stuck on 5/6 on PROS for 3 days
Space Marine 2 Community – You’re Built Different!
A small gap to perfection
Which map is this? (Select only ONE out of the four!)
Which map is this?
Space Marine 2 Eternal War Changes Needed To Save The Mode - A Plea to Saber
Block Weapons were fine before. I’d like to see them reverted back to how it was.
Invigorating Icon Totally Working As Intended
Is this ordeal progressing for any of you? I think it's bugged but wanted to ask before giving up.
I tried my hardest Brothers
[Rant] The iconless Mk VIII is forever out of my grasp for reasons completely out of my control
A couple of theories as to how the Helmet Challenge is 'bugging out'
Ordeals: difficulty, time investment, rewards and possible changes.
Horus would be proud of them
How do I fix this?