They didn’t…Lmao I can’t.
[Marvel] can all gods have avatars? or only the egyptain pantheon?
What are the worst gods and best gods to server in fiction?
Who is the strongest "avatar" for a deity/cosmic being in fiction?
Tyranid bio-titan (wh40k) vs mecha-godzilla (monsterverse)
Fantasy settings that suffered an alien invasion?
Leaked interactions with Deadpool, Hit Monkey, and MODOK
[general fiction] are there any fantasy settings that suffered an alien invasion?
Atom Eve (wh40k) vs space marines (wh40k)
Reboots in media that are better than the originals?
This has Woolie's exact energy right here (by centurii-chan)
Could the clone armies(Star wars) conquer the world of "the Matrix"?
[world of darkness] how is the afterlife for vampires/werewolfs and other supernatural creatures?
Fenris (Thor Ragnarok) vs 1 space wolf(wh40k)
How is 2025 so far?
Guate se está yendo a la mierda…
[Invincible] if a viltrumite had a child with a meta-human, would that child also have the powers of their human parent, or only their viltrumite powers?
Could the New viltrum empire (invincible) survive in warhammer40k?
Titan (invincible) vs black noir (the boys)
[Marvel/DC] How would Marvel Universe change if Superman and Wonder Woman were in it?
[Marvel] how did squirrel girl get her powers?
Mr Liu (invincible) vs a swarmlord (wh40k)
Relationships in fiction where the female is the stronger one?
Can Titus (wh40k) survive the events of the norse god of war games?
(hated tropes) Characters who considered ugly or unwanted in-universe but like… how?!