Another Denzel Feature that I don’t hear about enough
Screw Astrology Signs, What’s Your Favorite Deck?
Who's the GOAT rappin producer?
Is the monkey actually good?
Most attractive character you’ve seen on screen?
What is your favorite found footage horror film?
Is there enough horror movie references to convince you to listen to Tommy Wright III
SpongeBob making a sundae. YTP style
Can I get some late 80s and 90s hip-hop/rap
What's an Always Sunny quote that would get you banned from reddit?
What is the worst animated series Adult Swim created?
Finally 10 blueprints
What was something you watched that wasn’t an Adult swim show but felt Very much like one?
Poll: Scary Movie or Scary Movie 2?
I love Kanye's music. But I'm not going to give money to a anti-sematic, Nazi , pedo. Any suggestions on who i can listen to?
Goons rn
Denzel never fails with his features
Lil Gin Feat. Skinny Pimp - Shake Junt
Chat are we cooked?
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
Taking photos off a dead iPhone
Best Redman smokin song
Y’all gonna hate me for this one
These songs are suuuuper trilly