Question for hard-core Basement Tape fans.
What are some of the most beautifully written books you’ve ever read?
One Too Many Mornings- Favourite Version?
World gone wrong
Why does Chekhov, unlike other titans of Russian literature, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, never condemn his characters or moralize them?
Dylan Live Concerts on YouTube (recommendations please :))
Bob Dylan’s greatness through time
What’s everybody’s ranking for Dylan’s 70’s albums?
Whats your favorite post 1976 Dylan song?
Looking for recommendations for a handful of GREAT Dylan songs from late-‘80s to present.
I don’t think we talk enough about Dylan’s performance at Hollywood’s Bowl in 65’
Would you go to a show if he was only singing songs from 2000 to now?
My Dylan album ranking
How have Bob’s “worst” albums aged?
What are your favorite songs from this album?
What song(s) are currently on repeat for you?
Which of his 4 pre-electric albums would you consider his best?
What's the album you keep going back to?
The Cure A-Z. The Figuregead wins the fourth wildcard! Only one more left, the most upvoted of previously unselected songs will win!
How/why did Disintegration happen?
Favourite three song grouping
What Cure song would you say is the best instrumentally, if the lyrics and vocals were removed from it?
Best album to start with
The Cure A-Z. A Strange Day wins the third wildcard! For the next two days, the most upvoted of previously unselected songs will win!
I’m constantly hearing about Love and Theft. I am 2 and a half playthroughs now. What about Love and Theft do you think sets it above the rest of his 21st century output?