What do you usually name your horses?
Er det noen regler i loven om øvelseskjøring under prøvekjøring?
What’s a country you’d like to visit you’ve never been to and why?
Are their Casual Christians?
Who was more evil Dutch or Micah ?
What movie made you audibly shout, "What the f***?"
Day 1: Good person, Loved by fans
First movie that pops into your head when you see Brad Pitt
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
What could be so bad?
Hvordan hjelpe en arbeidsløs venn uten å gi dem penger?
People of the world, what is a unique and typical insult in your native language?
What are the best video games stories? No spoilers please.
I’ve been spoiled badly should I still watch it?
What's your arbitrary reason for you to kill someone in the game?
Mystisk lyd i Hafrsfjord
Just finished ep 9 s6
Anyone else had this happen?
Christians, what convinced you God was real, and Jesus actually died for your sins?
Jeg jobber i forsvarsindustrien, AMA
What do you think are the most iconic video game lines out there?
How often do you go out drinking?
I'm mentally not stable enough for this
What’s your favorite story game, and how many times have you played through it?