According to this report, Singapore recycles 59% of its waste, quite a bit more than any other country!
Thought this might be helpful/interesting here - the best U.S. states and metro areas for producers and directors (based on job concentration and average hourly wage).
The Top 10 Causes of Death for People of All Ages (in the US, broken down by age brackets)
Woman pointing a gun at a computer for some reason, 1998
My (F/26) boyfriend (M/30) of 5 years is my biggest hater. How do I fix this?
My boyfriend (M41) lacks common sense and is completely incompetent. I (F28) don't know what to do anymore, I just found out I’m pregnant too
How would people react if Obama or Biden, even jokingly, declared himself king?
Republicans of Reddit, how do you feel about Trump calling himself King in his recent truth social post?
A gaping asshole.
TIL that the biggest lawsuit of all time against an influencer is Virtual Dining Concept's $100 million countersuit against MrBeast.
What's a youtuber you used to watch all the time but now you don't
“You’ll never understand my rotation!”
Plates London becomes first vegan restaurant in UK to win a Michelin star
What is a sign you can tell that someone still has a mentality of a teenager?
What is a word that makes you laugh?
When did you realize you weren’t straight?
People who grew up with wealth, what was your "I'm privileged" wake up call?
Hundreds fired at aviation safety agency, union says
Was totally not expecting Louisiana to have the highest concentration of jobs for actors in the country - could this be because of the entertainment culture?
I did not expect Rhode Island to be the least sexually adventurous state according to this study. Lowest average number of sexual partners too (4.5) and "adventurous" sexual experiences too (2).
The percentage of U.S. small businesses that survive the first 3 years by industry
I wish abusers didn't exist! I am truly disgusted by them!
Do you watch the intro for a new show at least once though?
My (ex?) girlfriend ghosted me for six months and just texted me out of nowhere (29M 33F)