What kind of shoes are you wearing to Spark in? 👟👟
Uber Eats Delivered My Order with an Open Package & Missing Fries. No compensation!
[REQ] ($500) (repay $550 in installments $250 on 2/20, $300 on 3/6)
[REQ] $400 (Phoenix, Arizona) (Repay $500 by 2/17/25) (Venmo)
They can’t actually be for real
Saw this going around other subs. Thought it would be a fun thing to do. Let’s start it up. All time Mets “good player and loved by the fans”. Highest upvoted player wins it
How many Walmarts are in your zone?
My mother told me to “fuck off” in front of my child
Anyone else have a really slow day?
Road rage gone wrong
[REQ] ($650) (Flagstaff, AZ) (repay $800 in 4 $150 installments on 1/17, 1/24, 1/31 and 2/7) (Venmo, One Pay or Zelle)
Comment below how much y’all are paying for gas in your state
Conversation I had today
AITA because I'm second guessing having kids due to our opposing views on vaccinating them?
[REQ] (Flagstaff, AZ) ($500 repay $600 on 1/17)
[REQ] Asking $1500 can repay $1800 in two installments. First $900 on 1/16 and the other $900 on 1/30.
I told my SIL that she’ll never be excepted by me
Customer rating plummeted
Dont get exploited today
Accepted a $2.50 order
Night Stalker Roommate and other things
Dad got me tickets to what he thought was a band I liked but it’s not.
Should I ask roommate to let his gf take over on the lease so I can move?
If you could have one piece of memorabilia from the show, what would it be?