Ruetoo Shrine King baited?
Please let us roll Idols or at least increase the amount of gold we get so we can gamble more Idols, it's extremely punishing to get a juice strat going on SSF
Warcry Corpse Explode Poison Ancestral Commander
What Idol Strategy for the Working Class?
Players who came from PoE2; how has your PoE1 experience been?
It's been 3 days - review your league (event?) starter
So how is your reduced gold cost QoL going?
Whats your Idol strat for making currency?
What is your Phrecia Gold farming strategy?
Which league mechanics are worth doing without investment?
A white mob dropped this, looks disgusting. Thoughts?
What's everyone's go to league start?
Warcry Explosion Poison Ancestral Commander
Vaal Bone Zone - Vaal Summon Skeleton Architect of Chaos
Some sort of good explodey build?
What are the potential BUSTED GIGA OP builds?
Fulcrum chieftain alternatives
Behemoth Ascendancy Deep-Dive & Theorycraft (Dreamcore)
Blight build for event
Scavenger is 40% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage now
Setups with shared support gems
Brine Bound from Surfcaster is inanely underrated
Build Concept: Strength Stack Animate Weapon Puppeteer - Pillar of the Caged God with Marohi Erqi Rallying Cry.
How much desecrate corpse life should I be using in 3.25
48 Hours To Go -- What Build Are You Playing?