So the new Gohan has a version of his outfit without the cape when you detransform but we can’t have a skin without the cape?
These 4 characters are responsible for lack of character variety in ranked DP
Just fought a Z rank, can someone tell me what happened, and what I did wrong?
Another missed opportunity
People complain about Rage Quitting
Let's Have A Polite Discussion About SS4 Gogeta
How a 13 main gets busy 🧢🦅
Please Frost, I need this.
New update is annoying af
New update comes with new cheese meta.
New DP win condition
Weird opponents ??????
I better see the same amount of super vegitos in ranked after the patch comes out
Lmfao pathetic
Need more outfits and accessory’s!!
Need more maps!
D-pad Issue
He’s coming…
They Saying Yo Gotti Brother Got K!lled😳
I thought pink tape was gonna be some crazy experimental shit when I heard this, this skit fire asf though
Damn welp looks like I’m not listening to pink tape anymore my opinion has already been made✌🏽