In-nuqqas tal-qari / Lack of reading
2 week yeetversary
Anyone had kids that think piracy is morally wrong?
What do brits think of Elon Musk?
Getting tired of anti-woke gamers
Since when are many Maltese pro-Trump? And what's up with the ignorant anti-Ukraine war comments?
Question: period on day of hysterectomy.
Is it normal to not bleed at all
Light Bleeding Post Op
Open abdominal hysterectomy (horizontal cut) - 3wpo
Cervix fibroids?
AITA for snapping at my cousin
100 000 dollar question
Can’t access my salary. I am suing. This is borderline.
Genuine question - why do people choose to keep their cervix?
Is pain below incision normal?
This game released less than 24 hours ago btw
Physical affection
Who do you think is the most corrupt politician in Europe?
Who will win the next election?
This message is for all the nervous ladies out there
Spinal Tap?
Incision length and recovery
7wks post op and I’ve noticed…