Became a gooner to cope with my uglyness, ended up fucking me up.
i have a massive fear of ageing
This is the entitled behavior people allow when you look good… but were told to work on personality lmao and this got 400,000 likes
does being ugly get easier??
pretty ppl live life on easy mode
I hate going outside,I hate my face
wish I could relate
have you ever been jumpscared by your own face…
Signs that show you're absolutely ugly! (You can also add an option)
The way attractive people get hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing this while we work our bodies to exhaustion and still be told we’re not working as hard as someone like her…….
Have you reached acceptance of being FAW?
thinking I look pretty
are we suppose to feel bad???
Elphaba is literally us uglies and Galinda represents all the desirable pretty people
I am so revolting ugly in comparison to my friends or just anyone on the planet I want to jump out of my own body
“Talent will always outweigh looks!” Look where you can get with no talent but good looks…
I easily get attached to the slightest bit of kindness.
What people think of you when your ugly…
Are we allowed to have standards in dating?
we're always catching strays
seen a professional photo of myself and cried
Once again, looks are everything.
Anyone FAW because of overbearing parents?
my everyday life