You can pee hard enough to drill through concrete. You're a girl.
You have the power of a disney princess when you sing and you can summon cockroaches to do your bidding.
Alright. A second boot has been added. Top comment changes Europe
SFAH: Weird Sentences To Find On Duolingo
Odd statements to follow up with, "If elected..."
(SFAH) Things 2 guys having sex shout out.
Things you don't want to hear during a tour of a nuclear power plant
At the annual gathering for all royalty from Disney movies.
Replace a word from a popular movie quote with "French". replies elaborate on the rest of the altered scene.
Does nuclear power need to be regulated as heavily as leftists claim?
Why Pure Libertarianism Can’t Work Across Generations (Because of Inheritance)
Why not create a libertarian nation?
Mom: We got Dora the Explorer at home. Dora the Explorer at home:
Every Nickelodeon character needs at least one catchphrase.
Who are some of your hear me out crushes? 🐶👽🤭
What’s a show that initially flopped on release but now well known?
Are the prices of solar- and wind-generated electricity artificially kept low by governments?
You can inhabit the body of one other person for one day...
Everybody about to share a "$X but whatever bullshit happens" post, instead discovers /r/wyttd or /r/milliondollarsbut
What if Belgians started laying eggs instead of giving live birth?
The most satisfying line delivery on any word in the series...
Confirmed: R_____ soon to be in a rap battle.
Euclid vs. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevski
Fairly Odd Parents the Turners first names
Present a pro-choice vegan with a balut.