Would working for NASA make me less punk?
GTA 6 is Real… But Are We Hyping It Too Much?
Do you think someone knows that they have reached enlightenment?
Headed to the Monroe Institute. Any advice?
One day the robots will hurt someone.
Does smoking weed block your progress
The tapes give me blurred/double vision. Anyone else?
Robot goes off the chain!
To be a normal non violent robot
Robot goes wild on lady!
Robot malfunctions
Robot Malfunctions!
Robot goes crazy! Social credit score retribution
It's finally been 91 days since I stopped
1,000 days No Alcohol 🎉
Bodycam footage of Lincoln Heights residents confronting Nazis in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The last survivor of the gateway Experiment
Roommate Relapsed and I need advice
F10 imagery and visuals from a beginner
The mummy tomb that had been sealed for 2,500 years, discovered near Cairo
Has anyone else lost their desire for most mind altering substances?
Come on dg, do better
Had a facial and then a massage yesterday. I ended up in a very relaxed state and it felt like I slipped into focus 10. Has this randomly happened to anyone?
Feel Like Death