Which eeve evolution is best for pvp and raids?
Audino Hotspots
Update on audio Hotspots?
Solgaleo or lunala
Be honest: Is this game really fun for you?
4 days in. I cant sleep well and i keep thinking
Which shadow pokemon should be invested into first?
This event is awesome
Shadow metagross?
Audino. A future investment?
Best pokemon to focus on?
Should low-skill champs be viable in high elo?
Help with heartsteel build.
Swain toplane
Best ADC with most damage?
Pantheon jungle
Which champions have an extremely interesting and well executed kit
Wholesome ornn in wild rift be like
Which jungle champions are fun according to you guys and why?
Is maokai Overtuned or broken?
(Em2) ADC looking for Support to climb
Is gwen a good champion for beginners?
My best ornn play yet
Ranged toplaners daily interaction with their fathers
Junglers out there, what champ are you most excited about to be included in game?