Did I Overpay ?
Is Irish Medical School worth it as a Canadian pre-med?
You guys think this would sell if I put it up for like 35k+ or nah? 1 legend badge and 5 hofs. HOF badges are in description.
Epic meal time is a hypocrite
Any cards worth investing in rn?
Is Wilt the move?
Magic vs badge method
Cafer's Psychopharmacology AnkiDeck
Officially complete got magic for free‼️
Is this the safe route for the dark matter event card?
Travel issues with J1
Help me choose! FM vs Psych
Filing taxes on a J1
Expectations of interview invites- from a matched PGY-1
when do we move for residency
ROL help Psych
I failed a course in first year
How to get into Penn State psych residency?
J1 visa tax question
Had MT saved up from domination- is this a good deal?
Really struggling to work through my night float anxiety
If someone is on a J1 waiver job and actually likes it pls tell me
This is the best field
50% of tech posts ever since Hydrogen and Boron was mentioned