Which country has the best map color in your opinion?
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How is it in your country?
This could be an Alliance
NSFW | İstanbul Boğazı'nda bir kadın, çıplak şekilde intihar etmeye kalkıştı.
What's missing in Europe?
Choose a letter to be born in
My math prof using hoi4 to visualize sine waves
Where do ya'll live¿
Guys, where is this flag from?
I need a good name idea for this horse (No joke names)
What are we calling this country?
I wanted to share this photo we took on Valentine's day with my husband
Percentage of people who would fight for their country. Is this accurate for your country?
Countries you can fly to from Istanbul International Airport
the shower in the apartment I moved into self-destructs
Male students protested by not taking exams after women were banned from university in Afghanistan.
What can I do to beat the Ottomans?
[Mobile][2014-2017] 2D 5v5 Online Battle game
Men, how do you get rid of an unwanted boner?
Reformation hit Europe hard this game
Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığının sevgililer günü mesajı: "Seviyorsan git evlen bence"
What is this flag ?