Rollovers Enabled
Tax prep workaround
Fallon Fatigue
My Coldplay Albums Ranking
Album Recommendations
Was that the Natural End of Domingo?
A lot of Negativity lately, let’s say the positive
Only track spending , no budget
Remember Kaiser Chiefs debut?
Forgot about this album
Jelly Roll
I'm a trump voter. We've been lied to, fellow Americans.
Is it me or FeelsLikeIamFallinginLove and Higher Power have way too much similarity?
Concert that surprised you and made you a forever fan
Why wasn’t karate kid on the standard version of moon music ?
What is your favorite album to listen to when you’re feeling nostalgic?
Easy way to delete duplicate transactions?
Which era did you fall in love with?
What are your opinions on High Speed?
MOTS worth the time?
What Coldplay song makes you feel like this?
Can’t decide where…
AI playlist via picture
Have u guys experienced this??