Glare - "Guts" (Music Video)
What pedal has made you more creative?
When will the tone chasing end
My bands latest song :)
Which Fuzz Should I choose??
Would anyone know what causes this?
Why does Julianna breakup like this?
If you like Solitude Is Bliss…..
Discovered the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets last year and they’ve been my favourite band ever since
Craziest/Funnest moment(s)?
Sent my mac to get repaired and they left original chip that damaged my screen there…
Dunno how I forgot to post this but I got Pablo’s setlist at Desert Daze!!!
desert daze set
Who do you guys think will headline next year?
I am leaving this sub
SATURDAY THREAD - Desert Daze 2022
Large sized fuzzes?
Dancing to Tame Impala
How likely is it for a woman to get pregnant off of one experience?
Calling all pedal lovers…
What is illegal that you think shouldn’t be?
At The Glass House
Tame Imapala outro music for Entourage. HBO used Half full glass of wine for this episode. Where else have you heard tame Impala in pop culture?
WTT 1979 Small Stone Phaser, for some kind of Germanium (preferred) or Silicon Fuzz
Insane listing on a Orginal Shin-Ei Companion that i was 2 minutes too late to…