MFW the three instalock DPSes are terrible as a solo tank
Has there been any increase to Black Widow players
So called “Strategist mains” when they start getting camped by Spider-Man
How in the world do you counter this comp?
When you realize Phoenix's ultimate will be how Phoenix worked in MVC3
The smurfing has gotten out of control. Thanks streamers 🙏
Can someone please tell me how can i deal with this terrorist 😭😭
Dr Doom's ultimate if he was made playable
Awkward scenario (by ao-yume)
WTF was NetEase thinking with Iron Man this patch
Is Doom ever going to be added?
Add Smurf Queue so Smurfs fight each other
How do you deal with a Storm getting pocketed?
Skill based or broken?
What ADS settings should I use as Black Widow?
Why do Fortnite updates take forever to install for me ? (5 hours and counting…)
When I'm Told to Swap
Is your Ult effective against an ulting Luna/Mantis/Sue/C&D?
fems your lunatic cultist 😝
Who should they add to be a sniper?
What settings should I use to get good with Black Widow?
MFW I play comp and immediately mute all
Barely getting into the loot tab and the champion mastery nowadays...
Imagine paying $200 for the chroma of a mediocre skin...
Chests in new season?