How did kratos kill hiemdall?
Give me God of War worries
Why am I (29/F) so unhappy with my life?
This Guy Liked Joker 2
I found this. Thought you guys might like it
What’s a good place to get a curly haircut in NB?
What's the best sushi place in NB?
Looking for Friends who like Anime, Manga, & Video Games
what is this thin spot on my hairline? I can see all the way through my hair here
HEB is draining my wallet - Is there a grocery store with better prices?
Seeking fellow local San Marcos gamers and anime fans?
Are there any transition templates that let you edit like this? Like the slide into place then shake on impact
Weekday Help and Victory Thread for the week of July 08, 2024
Curious about where to live or work in Texas? Post here!
Texas Workforce Solutions - Legit or Scam?
ULPT Lied to my job because I’m horrible
Chainsaw man
Any tips on making the hair not look as flat a pancake
why can I imagine in my mind something I want to draw, but when it comes down to putting pencil on paper my mind just can’t compute? It’s like I don’t understand how to draw something from mind, unless I’m looking directly at an image to copy.
Practice drawing daily - what would you do?
Should I read Vagabond despite it being on hiatus?
WIP Katana Man (Head only)
This looks wrong, but I can't pinpoint what it is.
Hi im having trouble deciding between some manga i want to buy
Advice for side profiles?