Type any BoyWithUke song with your eyes closed. I'll go first: Idtwcvg (friends)
Type any TF2 class with your eyes closed
Drop your fav bwu song and ill rate it
This is the most nostalgic bwu. Fight me.
This is boywithukes best single. Fight me.
Top 1%
Worth a grade?
What are yalls favorite BWU EP?
when u realise the song u were skipping was 🔥🔥
What’s the most underrated Boywithuke song in your opinion.
Give me your favorite BoyWithUke song
If youve had to listen the same song on repeat for 1 month, what will be that song?
What are yalls favorite Burnout song?
Show me the 13th picture in your phone
Why do I get clowned for listing to boywithuke🥲
Turn This Into A BoyWithUke Reference
Turn This Into An AJR Reference (Day 18)
You’ll be arrested otherwise
Post the first photo you had.
Is BoyWithUke Changing His Name?
why hasn't he replied yet 😢😢
Evertale so i'm fucked
Day 4: Most hype song by boywithuke *most upvotes comment count as votes*
"Just Let Me Go"won for saddest bwu song, in your opinion what's the most meaningful bwu song?
what BoyWithUke song is this?