First listen to Birthing
Gibt es irgendwo in Wien Bars in Richtung "Undergound Szene" ?
Was sind die besten Läden für Second Hand/Vintage oder Antik Möbel in Wien ?
Welche sind die einzigartigsten Würstelstände in der Stadt?
Was ist eurer Meinung nach das ranzigste Lokal/Pub in der ganzen Stadt ?
Ranzigstes Pub der Stadt ?
The Music of Butterfly Lp on sale now (act fast, limited release)
What singer do you thibk has a really unique voice?
Manson enters the German Album Charts at #4
My Ranking of the Slipknot Albums
Is anybody else disappointed with the new album?
Pre-Listening Events in Germany/Austria
Favorite OAUGc1 lyrics so far? (For those who've broken the proverbial seal, of course)
How does the New Album Sound like?
No leaks? :(
A bit early isn't it?
10 days left
What does this mean exactly? I’m confused as to why Rope and Birthing are different
About Birthing (Rope Live)
Was sind eure Lieblings „billigen“ Restaurants in der Stadt?
whats yalls favorite horror movies
OUT NOW! Ariel's Not Abducted | kingcon2k11 & Ariel Pink
Ariel's Not Abducted Official Album Art
Here's something obscure, you might never have heard: Marilyn Manson... rapping