What are your thoughts on the behaviour of Trump, Vance and Zelensky?
Non-Americans, how do you feel about your country being an ally of the US after today's Trump-Zelensky altercation?
In what way could ANYBODY come to the conclusion that the Ukraine 'started it' against Russia?
How do you feel about your body?
What’s the most embarrassing thing you confidently believed when you were younger?
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Tom Cruise?
What video game do you remember enjoying that hardly anyone ever seems to mention these days?
What's the most Aussie way of telling someone you don't believe what he's saying?
What's your favorite sandwich?
What scares you most of the future?
What’s something that should be illegal but isn’t?
If you could bring back one thing from the 90's, what would it be?
If freedom of speech is enshrined in a US constitution, how can a leader threaten 'Go woke, go broke' and it not breach that very rule?
How do Australians feel about Canadians?
I'm an anxious Aussie. When Trump says "You go woke, you go broke" and cuts funding for arts etc. is there some amendment that prevents this?
What is the best game you have played ever?
What is a movie that you will never rewatch?
What is something you WOULD wish on your worst enemy?
If you had an infinite amount of money what would be the first thing you would buy?
What is the coolest thing you've seen on display at someone's house?
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
What is a harsh reality new parents need to hear?
What's something you do that makes a lot of people think you're rich?
What’s a sign no one likes you?
You are stuck in a time loop beginning from past 1 hour. What are you doing for the rest of your life?