Tell them how you feel, Now.
Bones is getting better as a rapper
Oh My Shy Finder
What are reasons you are still using an iPhone? (except iMessage and FaceTime)
This is your pov what are you playing?
Dose anyone else find “wedding” on Faces to be slightly unnerving?
What’s something you’ve learned the hard way about being a man?
Love the Mac Mini but hp monitor lacking
What do you tell yourself directly before doing something questionable?
Which hobby have you picked up and been stuck to since ?
At what point is alcohol consumption a deal breaker for you, if it is? What contributes to the deal breaking for you?
Men Of Reddit, How Do You Smell Good All Day?
How do i download youtube videos on mac with youtube premium??
What happened to your first love?
What's the most beautiful love song ever, in your opinion?
Northern Lights Tour TO
Why is Kanye West so batshit? What happened to him?
What is something a woman has taught you?
What is your most quotable movie and why?
What are some things that most men think they are above average at?
What is something you learned about yourself from you last relationship?
What’s your favorite track from DEMO?
Folks, I really need a decent alternative to toss and wash.
What Album have yall played the most?