I Accidentally injected two 10mg pens
new yarn bag
Diamond Afghan
Comparison of some common stitches for tapestry crochet
My first basket this year
How you talk about your body affects others
Not losing
seriously considering zepound (from doctor recommendation) but i’m really scared
Hair loss
Scalp issues after starting Zepbound
GLP-1s might just be the thing that takes us, collectively, out of diet culture altogether…if we let it
Just upped to 10mg. Didn’t realize how far I’ve come!
Last fall to today. My arms looked like rugby player legs!
Weigh in Wednesday and Progress pics !
People are so nuts about calories!
FitCrew Girls Trip Planned - to tell or not to tell? 🤐 or 🤓
My skin hurts!
I now know why Elvis died on the toilet
Losing weight TOO fast???
Decrease Dose or Stop
What Day Do You Do Your Weekly Injections?
The picture that did it (again)
New decade!
did you lose your boobs?