How long is your battery life
How long is your battery life?
Is this LCD Burn?
Any solution?
iOS 18 experiences
iOS 18.3 beta 1 on iPhone 11
Hey guys how is iOS 18.2 is it safe for iPhone 11 Pro Max ? Is there any battery drain or lagging?
1,2 or 3?
I’m curious to know how many of you use this feature: holding and tapping an app to access the menu. I tend to forget about it because it doesn’t offer any convenience to me.
Beard or no beard? (Some people say either or but I like the clean shaven feel)
Does showing battery perch deplete battery faster?
Finally caved lol
Thinking of switching from my iPhone 11 to a 14 pro
iOS 18 pros and cons.
iOS 17.3 Beta 1 Released - Discussion Thread
Anyone else can’t control volume within WhatsApp but outside of it it works ? Please help