mymy is the oldest sister?
This still hurtsπ π π
Jak him
I am buying your last saved images, note I am really taking risks doing this
Heyhey, it's LidlyArts (person who's making the "Adapting To Adoption" comic)! I've already posted this on Twitter but since this subreddit is also actively involved and not all of you have Twitter, I'm gonna ask here as well... (read body text)
Jak this
Coaxed into ww2 + germany = funny
Could we start a go fund me
Jak this black white supremecist
first page of the comic made by lidlyart (go support her out)
Why did ngΓ΄ ΔΓ¬nh diα»m persicuted the buddhist in a buddhist majority nation, is he stupid
Hey no swearing in christian friendly minecraft sever you fucker
turn this dude into a chud
[TOMT][MOVIE][1990S] movie where a character said the line of "this movie is only avalible in iran and madagascar"
BELGEN ZIJN GEEN RAAS: A comprehensive story
Name any asian county and I will say 1 good thing about it.
Coal i draw
gta fafasdsffssapooopfeterdasfasdtish
loserprison gta
What is it now?
Anh dua em ra duong
Anh ΔΖ°a em ra ΔΖ°α»ng