I made Grandmaster and so can you with this one weird trick!
Reverse Emrakul
Me and my now wife's first texts ever... it's bad 😭
Why are people so weird about Spider-Man?
Its not comp. Why are you so mad? Lol
Do any other higher ranked players feel like they have “imposter syndrome” with their rank in this game?
100 random dudes with sledge hammers vs 100 random dudes with machetes
People don't like to play tanks because they don't give visible value.
Am I able to send lattice to someone else? Via Playstation specifically!
Almost lord as Iron Man but finding myself looking like a little bitch against a decent chunk of the heroes, any tips?
Please stop forcing vanguard mains to solo tank
Any tips for getting out of plat?
Looking for Advice to Help My Husband Grow as a League of Legends Content Creator
Discussing the Game Changers List
Deck list for first commander deck.
Some games where i can just look cool and kill big things?
Mid-season crest reward given for peak or end rank?
If I have an enchantment on one of my creatures and that creature dies, what happens to the enchantment?
Who’s ult voice line goes the hardest?
I play Namor specifically just to ruin their day
after spending $300, i think it's still bad lol
First Commander Deck (Miirym)
Elementalist Lux base form (Light) was allegedly shipped with a 256x256 texture resolution, while every other form is on 512x512 instead. This issue persists to this day and was supposedly never fixed.
Struggling to Hit Protein Goal
300$ Eldrazi