stay away (salem remix)
what next
Let's see your rankings of all of Taylor's track 1s
Let's hear your track 2 rankings
what are some unpopular/overhated taylor songs that you actually like/love?
What are your cats names and what do you actually call your cats?
My Little Pony vs Care Bears death battle idea
Hey guys! I was wondering if The Dead Zone is any good. Could get it for X-Mas…
Look at what I found.
I just got these at my library. Which one should I read first?
What would you like Stephen King's "to be printed" books be about? Something creepy that would make u unable to sleep or something different?
What year did you start reading King, how old were you, and which book was it?
Cujo was a good boy, it was rabies that made him kill
Curious: What is everyone’s “most prized possession” in their King collection? Mine is a copy of Six Stories limitation number 138.
Hey everyone! I want to know peoples top five SK books. Just so I can get some inspiration my top five are prob ( in random order) Salems lot, Dolores Claiborne, rage, the shining, and Cujo. ( don’t judge the third one)
General thoughts on Stephen King's Rage?