Ahhh, The good old days 😥 – Before Gear 2.0
Throes of Thirst (Lethal Inferno bomb/last horde reset itself lol - I never clip games, but this was cool/fun enough that I did)
Leaders of the Free World
I am looking for old anime that I was watching when I was teenager.
Does anyone actually enjoy the Journey, OR is it just a grind you go through to get the rewards, and don't enjoy a moment of it?
Looking for anime that I was watching when I was young.
So true
How did I farmed the new helmet
Character name?
German Chancellor candidate who is likely to win: "We will not be neutral towards Russia. We will not stand in the middle. We stand with Ukraine. Together with Ukraine, we will defend today's Europe"
NYC goes 5 days without a shooting
Pastel love
Kui palju teil TEOREETILISELT oleks inimesi suguvõsa kokkutulekule kutsuda?
Got the platinum last night!
Quick Poll
Days gone was ps+ free game for me.
What's Happening Here?
ability not recharging???
Wear the black of duty
The First Sight assault rifle is now available via project.
Sold my ps5
Still down in Finland
Woman learns to mind her own business the hard way
What's it like for an American to relocate to Estonia?