Not gonna lie, I was disappointed when I heard that.
What's the most relatable cartoon/movie/anime scene according to you?
Hel rune from Hellforge? Wow…
I had a dream where to get my driver's liscense I had to take this test
Whenever a trainer has a Pokémon that can evolve but just can't in this game for no reason.
Have you ever gotten a pair and then afterwards, completely forgot you got them?
Pokemon Home Needs a Rebranding are we felling about the Shrek 5 designs?
[Hated Trope] - jokes created out of spite and hatred to piss off the viewer
What's your favorite normal monster(s)?
A (potentially) unneccesary Weavile buff
The trend of old monsters/decks becoming viable in modern format like Yubel
Scenes where a character does one last act of defiance against their adversaries before dying
What is a Deck that is best not played the intended way?
We're totally hearing about
How times change
10 Decks I would like to play at locals again without getting obliterated that have no known support coming anytime soon.
When she's a 10/10 but said that Andrew Garfield was too cool to play Peter Parker-
I've just recently noticed that most of the Pokemon that evolve through gender are mainly female like Vespiquen and Salazzle. Makes me wonder if we might see the male versions of those evolutions some day
Revenge of the Sith...
What’s a movie reddit will not accept ANY criticism of?
"The Sequel was bad so here's the real sequel" Ends up being as bad or even worse than the attempted sequel
My girlfriend left me a note on the fridge this morning that said, "This isn't working."
This guy's the Captain? His real name's Falcon.
Pretend this movie came out today.
Hot take: I hope Shrek 5 doesn’t have the last wishes animation style