Was going through some of my old legos and found gold
Apparently Multi's gender has been confirmed
Is there any way to fix it?
Do you guys think beyblade actually takes skill?
Dinosaur 🦖
Hasbro Wizard Arc offical reveal
Finally 😭😭
you're joking
Broken LR String Launcher
Homemade blitz striker 100 RSF
Gimme your best combos so far
Rev up
Golem Galore!
The variation!
Making the battles more “vibrant”
How did I just now realize this?
Tier list on how I like them aestheticly
Hey, it’s me again!
Haven’t seen anyone post about these yet! Looks cool! One I believe is a Rare Get bey and the other is Manga Exclusive
One small detail that’s often missed with the MFB Homage Beys.
ive been interested in generic beys as long as i can remember, does anyone have one? i think itd be real cool to see irl
It finally happened