Dog's Nose
Penne alla Putanesca
American back for round two (slice of toast and coffee on the side)
North Cove (from u/JackBullet)
Ciao Mela & Olivetto - Stunning Cocktails. I want to make one.
Picture of Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114, which was shot down by Israeli air force on 21/2/1973, killing 108 people
In College Rugby, Losing is the New Winning
Heartbroken USA Fan
Former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, Sig Heils at CPAC today
American having a go (homemade w/coffee on the side)
to park in a bike lane
They about to disgrace this beautiful sport once again🫡
2025 Fitness Goals
I saw it Twitter vol 1.
Am I crazy for thinking Vince should be in the hall?
Modern Player HOF Finalist Announced - Who are locks and who are your hopefuls for this class?
Sicilian Negroni
The Imperial’s Oaxaconut
Sleeping in my car
How much will Vanderbilt pay Alabama in fine after field rush?
Buddy Holly’s death was more significant than Joseph Stalin, and Elvis Presley’s was more significant than Mao Zedong
Summer 2025 Sublet
Current NFL All-Star Rugby Team
Hard choices in life
Too many OK tattoos getting posted here, have this thing to make up for it