It's 3rd of March in Japan. HB Yellow!
What cartoon villain do you think Steven Universe COULD actually redeem?
Since we are getting a Adam Sandler Ranking,which Actor Rankings would you want to happen in the future?
What is an episode that no one likes?
Shoutout to Sausage Partys letterboxd tagline
Pixar's (Current) Female Main Antagonists.
According to you, Shrek 2 is the video that's best to start with! But what video should have ended the saga? What Schaff video would've been a fitting ENDING for his channel?
Favorite character that includes a number in their name?
This tagline feels like it's spitting in your face 😭
Is it me or is this tagline very threatening?
Sango doodle I made
What was Grover's best appearance in the Mario series?
Hey guys, Crystal and the Gang!
You forgot the Persona opening movie ranking, but do you remember the first Schaff video you watched? Would you recommend it for starters? What Schaff video is BEST FOR BEGINNERS?
A dream has come true, I get to hear Schaff talk about Pixels
Who's your favorite Pokemon anime character? (exclusive/originally from the anime)
Pokemon HZ Ep 87,88,89 Preview
Imagine, there’s three alternatives timeline for the Pokemon anime. Which would you choose to watch? There will be a twist to aid these choices.
Which Pokémon character do you personally relate to the most?
This blows all other taglines out of the water
When someone said: ”Kung Fu Panda 4 is better than Kung Fu Panda 1 through 3!”. What would be your first respond?
The girly urge to learn Japanese or get an Android just so I can play Sanrio Characters Miracle Match
Looker confirmed for Legends Z-A?
The Owl House season 3 video is one of the most emotional videos I've seen. Now, what is the WEIRDEST Schaffrillas video?
Judging Movies by their Letterboxd Taglines