I have created the darkest ending to the original trilogy. Kashyyyk, Mon Cala, and Bothawui have all been destroyed by the Death Star, and what's left of the Rebel high command is hiding on Dagobah!
All my life choices brought me here to this game. I regret nothing
Favorite character who can fly a plane ?
Does anyone listen to music while spreading democracy?
The last saved image in your gallery made sonic look like this: what is it?
Now that we have the FRV...
Me after seeing the mug prices
My most recent Steam Sale discovery
do it:)
What is one thing you guys wish was added to deep rock galactic?
Tell me your favorite game mode without actually telling me. I'll go first...
Which one is your favourite Rock and Stone line?
Any headcanons on what Shadow did after Sonic 3?
Rock and Stone?
My cousin is possibly the hairiest dwarf ever!
What Helldiver Corps are you a part of?
what's your maria headcannon's?
Which Post Credit Scene Hyped You Up The Most?
What are some or your favorite / most satistying primary weapons against Automatons
What nickname do you give new Helldivers?
what's your first appearance of sonic in your life?
Helldivers spotted