[H] Event codes [W] Paypal
[H]JPN KZD code,Gen7-9 Event[W]PayPal
FT : Event codes, Chinese redeems LF : Gen 6~8 events
LF: Pokemon day 2025 Eevee code, KOR Lucario code FT: SV legends, Walking Wake & Iron Leaves, Mightiest Mark Pokemons, SV Shiny Rayquaza
[H] BD Tandemaus code, KOR Lucario code, Unclaimed Shiny Enamorus, SV legends, Walking Wake & Iron Leaves, Mightiest Mark Pokemons, BDSP Shiny Arceus [W] PoGo stamped shiny Deoxys/Jirachi with CHT tagged & Custom OT, PayPal
LF: KOR Keldeo/Zarude/Deoxys code FT: Birthday Tandemaus codes, Event
[H] Old Gen 6 Event Collection! [W] PayPal!
[H]: Spare Low/Mid Tier events [W]: Paypal
LF : redeems FT : 9g 8g events, HA aprimons, etc.
[H] Paypal [W] PC Birthday Pawmi and Charcadet codes
[H] KOR events [W] Paypal
[H]Gen7.8.9 event[W]PayPal
[H]Poké Doko Eevee code/Event[W]PayPal
LF : codes FT : events, HA aprimons, etc.
[W] Steenee Code World Championship 2024 & Outbreakchu Pikachu Event w/ Heart Stamp [H] Paypal
LF: Worlds Steenee codes and Eevee codes || FT: Gen 5-9 events
LF: WCS Steenee codes | FT: gen 3-9 events, in-GO shinies, shiny eggs, poké-/great-/ultra ball backpack codes, etc.
[H] : events, PoGo shiny [W] : Events
[W] Worlds Steenee Reservation! [H] PayPal (or other events!)
LF: WCS17/18/19 Event, NA Arcanine with CHT tagged FT: Something
[H]PokeDoko Eevee codes, 6&7gen cartridges w/unclaimed events[W]PayPal
[H] Pokemon Events (All-Stars Diancie, KOR Cinema Shiny Genesect, and more) [W] Paypal
[H] Gen. 6 events [W] PayPal