Greased watermelon is a real thing??
My partner pointed this out in the hockey episode...
Starbucks to remove 13 drinks from its menu
Dear Chase... Oh shit, there's stickers!!
I think the rape scene went really well.
whats your favorite one liner?
Was watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and guess who showed up.
what’s your favorite physical comedy bit on the show?
Is there anything you want to tell the world, r/IASIP?
Who else didn't like Rocky from MMPR
Anyone else finding it hard to concentrate at work today?
Young voters are starting to show up in Georgia.
Help me build my list of people I'm cheering for to lose
can people please calm down?
Today I voted
I found a Georgia vote!
Feel very hopeful and optimistic today from red rural Georgia.
It’s a Cult.
Why people keep telling you to vote early
I did the thing
Early Saturday morning voting. Anxiety is high but doing my part to keep Georgia blue.
I live in a deep red rural part of Georgia. Saw this on my drive home yesterday. LFG!!