Do Huntsman Leg Positions Mean Anything?
16 years old, I just made my first pair of shoes!
Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Can she make it over the log?!
Did i adopt a dog or a rabbit??
Lost my 19 year old buddy today...Spanky James
Parrot Party
Equitable household and kids financial management and contributions. All perspectives and experiences welcome.
My boy Prompto crossed the rainbow bridge
I need help
Thoughts on my dog?
Who would win?
What delivery of a random line always makes you chuckle?
My kitty died this morning. She was 10 years old.
Felt like a real life princess
Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
Splendid Fairywrens
My puppy named red
A character has to break the 4th wall and look straight at the camera. Which scene do you choose?
🔥 Saw a Turkey Vulture land in front of me today. [OC]
This is honestly bad nostalgia but a common experience for many of us: being forced to stand in a line at school sport, being last to be picked for a team. Honestly, why would teachers do this to us???
My first large project, briefcase/laptop bag
What behaviors can make an attractive person unattractive in an instant¿
My speedy boy turned 2 yesterday! 🎉
My brother's lab thinks he is a lapdog