The Plot Against America -- Yes, this is philosophy.
The Plot Against America
Hume's Guillotine's Tragic Truth Playing Out Before Our Eyes.
Forget facts and values, everything is a judgement | Hume said you can't get an 'ought' from an 'is,' but facts and values are inseparable. Science isn’t value-free, and ethics isn’t just opinions.
The Hollow Men of Silicon Valley
Twenty Four Hours
Lost passport 6 years ago. Periodically stopped at borders and asked about it.
Randomly sent to secondary inspection from Global Entry line due to lost passport from 2019.
Shortages seem really bad again.
i hit 30lbs down today. i’m back to where i “started” before my last weight increase
WARNING on Chickenfast.
Has anyone used chickenfast lately ? Thanks
Believe Key now sold out
Hi everyone, why the dream key are sold out? Any dates they going to restock? Thanks in advance!!
Dream Key Openings for Thanksgiving
I can't take it anymore!!! Ubiquiti alternatives?
Dream Key Passes are currently sold out
Some shade from the official Disneyland Twitter account directed at Universal Studios Hollywood
Anyone else regret buying a magic key
Losing remote access on UNVR
In less than half a year the Nintendo Switch will be half a decade old, what are your overall feelings of the console now that's it's been around so long and how would you say it fairs against Nintendo's other consoles, most importantly what will this consoles legacy be.
Entitlement of Magic Key holders is nauseating