Is it time to end our stategic partnership with the US?
What are some of the most shocking moments in Australian history??
Which indigenous people had it worse, the native Americans or the indigenous Australians, and which people are "better" off today?
Who eats more processed food Aussies or Americans?
Macca’s sucks
Searching how to make fairy bread and this turned up, I'm in bad place at the moment.
If there was an Australian super hero what would their name be and what super powers would they have?
How often do you use Imperial measurements?
Nominate a Maccas in Australia that needs this!!
Can anyone guess what city this is?
Hero of our nation
I see your most favourite teacher post. Here's my least favourite teacher from high school.
Could a foreign country take over Australia?
What's the best way to cook roo?
Bigger than the Murican one
Bluey the new Blinky??
How often are Australian households cooking meals? Is the skill of home cooking dying out?
Why is there so much mobility transport hate?
Late 80's party sausage rolls
Didn't mind this show
What makes you proud to be an Australian?
So uhh. This is what the liberals have left in their bag of tricks huh
Loved this cartoon!!